I started this body of work around this time last year with "Dichotomy." At the time, I had no real intentions of making it into a series, I just wanted to see if I could do it. One of my best friends had suddenly up and died on me, and I was grieving. In my state, I wanted to create something just for the hell of it. Not because I thought it was clever or meaningful or anything like that, but because I knew it would look cool. In short, I wanted to make something I knew my friend would have been crazy about. A year later, I still don't feel the same, I still don't feel "normal" and don't believe I ever will. But as a byproduct of this event in my life, my artwork has changed dramatically. Since "dichotomy" my work has never been the same again. I am working very hard now to complete this body of work before the cold weather gets here.
All that being said, I think this is the coolest looking thing I've ever done!
I read a lot of manga (japanese comics for you n00bs out there), and one of my favorites hands down is "Naruto" (shush! you manga snobs!!). Naruto (the main protagonist of the series) has a signature move where he makes hundreds of clones of himself to help him fight. It's dawned on me just recently how much this body of work resembles some of Kishimoto's panels. Sometimes you just see things and internalize them without realizing it. Then sometimes it'll regurgitates itself into things like this.
I will be shooting another one of these today, and I promise this one will be a bit more...interactive than the pervious. I guess I've got enough of these out there now that people have some sort of rubric to judge them on, and a number of people have been telling me that they wish the figures interacted with each other more. These are sentiments I've had as well, and although I'm not sure how I'm going to achieve that, I'm willing to give it a shot.