2011 was a crazy year for me. My artwork really took off, and I've been producing more stuff more quickly than I ever have before. I finished two major projects this year, but it wasn't easy, and there were a lot of mishaps along the way. I would like to take this chance to celebrate some of my year's many failures. Although I had many success this past year, it took a lot of failure to get there.

Florox 10th anniversary crew pose, I don't think I've ever tried to coordinate a single shot with a bigger group of people. I don't know why, but I actually thought it wasn't gonna be too hard. As with most things involved in Florox crew activities, we went in with a plan, and then chaos ensued. But in the end, the shot came out great and we had a hell of a lot of fun doing it. I felt like this was definitely a big achievement of mine this year, and has remained my most popular post yet.

For some reason, I didn't think that they had buildings in hawaii. Then when I landed in Honolulu back in April, I thought to myself "OF COURSE THEY HAVE BUILDINGS YOU IDIOT!" But then I realized, "that's because all the pictures I've seen from hawaii are landscapes and beaches." So I made it a point to take a some pictures of the city to bring back back with me to the mainland. Then when I got back I promptly did absolutely nothing with them.

I was gonna sell T-Shirts through the blog earlier this year. I even bought a box of 100 of 'em, and then realized I have a plan for shipping and distributing them. I also had no packaging plan, so the people who did order shirts usually got them in chinese takeout boxes (leftover not from food! But from a previous failed art project). Then I decided I was going to add a webstore section to my site. But after looking at a few other retail sites I decided it would be a lot more complicated than I was ready for.

But I think the idea of a webstore to sell some of my t-shirts, poster, and other media is still a good one, and promise to work harder in the new year to make it a reality.

This was the start to one of my many projects that would never make it, or are taking a lot longer that I expected rather. My "Super Ego" project. The idea was to take portraits, print them out and let people draw on their own photo to complete the work. I was going to have something like 20 portraits done, and then I would throw a party to gather everyone together to see what we'd come up with. But I never quite made it to 20, so I never printed any of them.

After a year of people telling me that I look like Dae Han from the classic 80s action flick "Best of the Best," I decided to be him for halloween. But then nobody recognized my costume. This was the only picture taken of me that night. Problems Kru ninjas, this was taken for YOU!

During the time I was showing at the "New England Photo Biennial" My mom told me I was featured in a Chinese American newspaper the
World Journal. I spoke with a journalist, and sent them this picture. When I received the article a week later I realized I couldn't read it.

When I started the BBoy Monsters I had no idea what I was doing. I even told Liem that we were testing it out, and in all likelihood it would end it being a gigantic fail. But then it didn't, and I'm thankful to have friends that are willing try out my bad ideas with me.

Here's an outtake from step2's shoot. I thought this pic was good, but I'd just be repeating myself with the 3 arms thing. In dance, and in art, I have learned that with any creative endeavor, it's a lot more interesting when you don't repeat yourself.

My last minute art making effort of 2011 now complete. Friends, I shall meet you in the future!!!