Tuesday, February 14, 2012

BBoy Style: Ninja Monster Technique

Thinking Man

Happy Valentines Day folks! Today, your post will come in RED. I apologize to my loyal friends and readers, it's been a while since I last updated. While it's been a real struggle for me to find time to make new work in the last two months, I did manage to link up with a very sexy, and explosively talented BBoy - Straw Hat Aaron Shinobi!! We met up for a short photo session yesterday, and tossed around a few ideas. Below are some highlights from the shoot.

No Shadow Kick

Leap Baby

Thank you guys for all the feedback and support you've given me in the last few months, I think this body of work is really starting to develop, and in a really cool way. I have a short list of volunteers now (that I need to set up shoots with). If anyone else is still interested in becoming a BBoy Monster let me know!!! 

On another note, I have begun the process of trying to convert some bboy monsters into illustrations or cartoon characters. So if I come up with something I think is not embarrassing enough to show people, there might be some cool t-shirt in the works for the future (or if you can draw/actually like to do it, HELP ME!). Be on the look out friends!!!