Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ghost Hunting

I have started photographing for a new online music magazine called Foundwaves which covers the local music scene in Boston. I have been looking at the work of a number of Japanese photographers recently like Daido Moryiama, Ken Kitano, and Osamu Kanemura all of which will be exhibited at this year's New York Photo Festival happening in a few weeks. One thing I have noticed about the style of the Japanese photographers is that their photographs tend to have more democratic compositions, and have this feeling of vastness that is absent from western photography. I find much of western photography to be very linear, singular in focus and clear cut. My assignments at Foundwaves have given me an excuse to explore the use of long exposures in my work again, inspired by these Japanese photographers I have also found some grounding for a new direction to take my work in.

Friday, April 9, 2010

BBoy Project

This is my friend Josh, don't let the corporate getup/friendly demeanor fool you.

Josh can be pretty vicious...

...on the dance floor.